RESULTS: the higher risks were found among individuals who suffer from poor living conditions, as compared to those with better and good living conditions, regardless of sex, age group, underlying cause or place of occurrence; women and elderly people also presented greater or lower risks, according to their living conditions; comparing different population groups, the risk for cardiovascular, respiratory and neoplastic disease was of 1. Key words: elderly people; mortality; inequality; living conditions. Totalmente urbano, o município distribui-se em 94 bairros que contam com ambientes completamente diversificados. Resultados No triênio de aforam registrados O risco de morrer foi de 4. O maior risco de morte 1. Quanto ao local de ocorrência o risco de morte concentrou-se nos hospitais 3. Nestes dois estratos, o risco é semelhante.
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Psychological Bulletin. Leaper C, Bigler RS. Social development: Relationships in infancy, childhood, and adolescence. New York: Guilford Press; The developmental course of gender differentiation. Monographs of the Society for Research in Children Development. Parenting: Science and Practice. The impact of parenting experience on gender stereotyped toy play of children. Extracurricular activities and adolescent development.