Participantes da pesquisa, idade e violência sofrida. Em sala tranquila, livre de ruídos e interferência, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com as adolescentes, individualmente. As entrevistas duraram cerca de 45 minutos cada e foram realizadas no período de janeiro a março de Bardin L.
Realizou-se uma abordagem micro no município da Amadora, um concelho com grande variabilidade social e cultural. According to the National Statistics Office , Portugal was the second country in the European Union with the highest rate of deliveries amongst mothers ages 15 to This evidence became a motivating factor for the development of a nonexperimental qualitative research, developed in a natural environment, whose main goals were to learn and analyse the values, beliefs and behaviours which lead to teenage pregnancy; describe universal and specific beliefs related to cultural values and behaviours in native adolescents or in migrants, and identifying the influences resulting from the contact between several cultures, arising from the migration process. It is an exploratory, descriptive and inductive study so that it can observe and comprehend the health determinants related with this phenomenon, as well as the social inequality and deletion process in specific communities, of underprivileged minorities.
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