Discute brevemente a Lei Criança e Adolescente. Lei Abstract: The present work of monograph research that is about the parent alienatethat makes an analyze about the variety forms of family in Brazil nowadays, making the important point the principle of the affection and the best interests of the children and the teenagers, besides the relevance of the family power in the juridical scope. Presented the institute of parent alienation, differently of the syndrome of parent alienate. Explaining the criteria of identification, the characteristics of the alienator genitor and the consequences to the kids and teenagers, beyond of presenting the main projects that GO against the parent alienate. Discuss briefly the Law In this perspective, evidentially the procession aspects and the difficulty of producing evidences and the use of multidisciplinary expertise in establishing of the alienation facts. Concluding examines the shared guard as a way to reduce the parent alienate and civil responsibility from de alienatories acts.
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