Quanto tempo ainda vamos ter que esperar para vivenciar de fato a igualdade entre homens e mulheres nos espaços de poder? ABSTRACT One of the most current and contemporary themes in the field of democratic feminist criticism, which is the political participation of women, is investigated. This research aims to analyze the persistence of under-representation of women in Brazilian politics and the search for the guarantee of gender equality as an instrument of the effectiveness of democracy. After more than 20 years of establishing the first affirmative policy for women in politics, statistics continue to indicate a picture of gender inequality. From this perspective, it is shown that historical and cultural gender inequalities spill over into the political field and undermine female political participation. How long will we have to wait to really experience equality between men and women in the spaces of power? Democracy really only exists if women were better represented in our political landscape making our society more egalitarian, fair and inclusive, but we still live in a patriarchal country where women have a position of inferiority over men at all levels. Social Only with a paradigm shift and the effective adoption of affirmative actions of insertion and encouragement of women in politics, will there be full effectiveness of equal rights in gender relations. Mulheres na Política.
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