Abstract: The aim of this article was to reflect about the growing number of Brazilian women who have become involved with foreign Muslim men on the Internet. In this globalized age in which we live, the ease of communication has contributed to the increasing number of intercultural relationships that can be both full of charm and filled with disenchantment. For this investigation, the conventional and virtual ethnographic method was chosen. As a conventional empirical field of study, the research was conducted with Brazilian women who were in a romantic relationship with foreign Muslims. Thus, we sought to understand the new romantic scenario that has settled in the Brazilian society over recent years. Keywords: Intercultural marriage, Conventional ethnography, Virtual ethnography, Islam.
CAOP Informa
A dificuldade de voltar a se relacionar é carregada de traumas que, segundo a psicoterapeuta Suely Molitérno, acabam contaminado as próximas relações. Segundo Suely Molitérno, a psiquiatria chama de Transtorno de Perda o período de 60 existência após uma perda afetiva por ruína ou afastamento. Passado os dois meses, e com a permanência dos sintomas de tristeza, a psicoterapeuta aconselha a busca por apoio profissional. A saída para esse, e todos os demasiadamente problemas de dependência, é a compêndio de bom convívio social.
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ABSTRACT It presents a historical revision of the feminine role in the Brazilian society that attributes to the women a predominant performance in the private space, which explains the small presence of the women, as protagonists, in the politics scene. Although inserted and intensely operating in the partisan politics, as well as in the different politics contexts lived by the country — working-class movement, fight for the feminine vote and against the dictatorship — rarely the women arrive to exert an elective or nominative politician position. The reflective proposal indicates that a bigger feminine insertion in the Brazilian politician scene supposes modifications in terms of the gender related social expectations and, at the same time, questionings of the current standards. RESUMEN Presenta una revisión histórica del papel femenino en la sociedad brasileña, que atribuye a las mujeres una actuación predominante en el espacio privado, lo que puede explicar la pequeña presencia de las mujeres, como protagonistas, en la escena política. Aunque inseridas e intensamente actuantes en la política partidaria, así como en los diferentes contextos políticos vividos por el país — movimiento operario, lucha por el sufragio femenino y contra la dictadura — raramente las mujeres llegan a ejercer un cargo político electivo o por nombración. La reflexión propuesta indica que una mayor inserción femenina en el escenario político brasileño supone modificaciones cuanto a la expectativa social de género y, al mismo tiempo, cuestionamientos cuanto al patrón actual. Foi assim, portanto, que alguns valores e o modo de vida da burguesia européia passaram a compor a sociedade brasileira.
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